Since ancient times, the mule and carts have been the means of work and transport of our ancestors. They used them for tilling the land, as a means of transport and for mills. In Curtisur we are specialized in buckles and raw materials for cart harnesses and accessories, known as “carro de varas”.
For all this to be possible there are associated elements that make our animal can pull suffering as little as possible at all times and work in a much more comfortable way.
Índice de contenidos
ToggleWhat is the Carriage Harness and Accessories?
We will start talking about them in parts, such as the reins, which would be the different branches that direct and govern the animal.
The jáquima or brion:

This is the bridle that the animal wears on its head, these have blinkers so that it cannot see backwards and is not frightened, normally a serreta (1) and a small dog (2) are attached to them independently.

Another indispensable component is the collar (3), since it is with it that the animal pulls our cart. It should be adjusted as much as possible so that the animal works as well as possible.
This has a fork (4) of iron or wood (5) in which there are some bridles and some francaletes using a buckle of francalete (6) that are in charge of joining the shots to the fork. This set is also fitted with an entremanta (7) that further adjusts the collar and also serves as a protector for the animal’s neck.

Carriage saddle
Carriage saddle (8) is a piece that only carries the mule of the rods, is a wooden frame that rests on the back of the animal, leaving a groove to pass the mule shoe that is responsible for maintaining the balance of the cart. The zufra has two buckles on the ends for its adjustment, zufra buckle (9).
To correctly dress the carriage saddle we will need as buckles the carriage saddle rings (10), the carriage saddle buckles (11) for the seat.

Trolley saddle
The trolley saddle also has a cinchuelo, which is in charge of fastening it to the animal’s body.

Retranca triangle
Another fundamental piece of the carriage harness is the retranca, which is attached to the saddle by means of a leather tip to its buckle, it has two cejaderos that fasten to a front part of the rods in order to slow down the carriage when the animal retranqueque. The retranca triangle (12) is also a key piece in the retranca since it is where the cejaderos come from.
And finally, the barriguera, which is the one that passes through the belly of the animal attached from rod to rod, preventing the cart from levering and leaning forward.
When two animals were needed because the cart was too heavy, they were hitched together in the long run. These do not have saddle or retranca, and are attached to the previous animal by means of reata hooks (13).
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